Each month we host, feature and attend events, both online and in person. From webinars on The Hub to in-person workshops and industry events, you will find all the details you need to join us below. We look forward to seeing you there!
Here are few of the recent events we were at, as well as (for our access plan members) catchup links so you can playback our previous zoom call sessions if you missed one, or if you want to watch it again.
A joint initiative of BestWool/BestLamb & Western Murray Land Improvement Group. Presented by Dr Mark Ferguson, neXtgen Agri International.
CATCH-UPUnderstand the principles of best-practice management of maiden ewes and hear the latest findings from the Magnificent Maidens PDS project. Join us for this workshop, each from 2 pm to 5 pm, at one of the following locations: Wagga Wagga, NSW - Mon 27th May | Bendigo, VIC - Tue 28th May | Dunkeld, VIC - Wed 29th May | Lucindale, SA - Thu 30th May RSVP by the 10th of May
CATCH-UPJoin us LIVE with Mark Ferguson, Will Gibson and Jo Scott of Targeted Breeding. With bull sale season coming up, we thought we would run a LIVE event to answer any questions you may have about buying the right bull. Learn more about breeding values and how they impact your business. Find out how to make a plan so that you’re prepared on sale day. Gain a better understanding of what your herd needs. Don’t miss out on this chance to speak to three industry experts before you decide on what bull to buy.
CATCH-UPJoin AWI Extension SA for a Workshop on how eID can improve your Productivity and Profitability, with guest speakers Mark Ferguson (neXtgen Agri) and Michelle Cousins (Cousins Merino Services).
CATCH-UPWe offer an educational and interactive day for young rural professionals and farmers aged 16-35, with new tools for a positive impact on the industry and an opportunity to network and grow. We will cover topics such as genetics, the meat supply chain, feed budgeting, innovation in ag and much more. Bring your mates along, learn some handy shearing tips, and give wool classing a go. Tickets are $60 and include lunch as well as dinner in Wanaka.
CATCH-UPA review and update for producers on the second year of the MLA project. Get up to date on the latest research about maiden ewe productivity. Learn new management strategies to improve maiden reproductive performance. What are the opportunities in treating maidens as high-priority stock on your farm? What are the influencing factors in getting the most lambs out of your maidens? Join us on the morning of the 10th of March on Jigsaw farms, with the T90 field day at Paradoo Prime that afternoon.
CATCH-UPA new workshop is launching in October 2022. Be confident you are buying the right rams and the right bulls in the upcoming season. Dr Mark Ferguson will give you new tools to support your decision-making. He will talk about the key aspects of the selection process and the importance of EBVs. The workshop will take place in several locations in the North and South Island of New Zealand.
CATCH-UPThe neXtgen Muster hands-on workshop is an interactive day with agricultural industry experts.
CATCH-UPA practical workshop designed to answer your questions and arm you with the tools to farm without breech modification.