The breeding ewe is the engine room in a sheep business, she is the foundation upon which the business is built. It stands to reason that having that ewe at optimum efficiency is crucial to a successful and sustainable sheep business. Achieving that optimum should be the focus of any sheep business, however, there are many moving parts to achieve this and even the optimum itself changes each year. In the diverse climates of Australia and New Zealand the adaptability and resilience of ewes to local conditions is crucial to achieving optimum production and so is the management of these ewes. To get it right, year in and year out, requires a combination of long-term strategy and tactical changes based on the season, weather and markets. OptiEwe has been specifically designed to cover all of the key elements of a sheep business to achieve optimum efficiency. The four pillars of OptiEwe are: Genetics and Breeding | Health and Welfare | Nutrition and Management | Business and Benchmarking
OptiEwe is a team approach to getting the most out of your sheep business. There are no prescriptions in OptiEwe there is just known science and your farm and an ever enduring focus on bringing those two things together in an optimum way. As well as on-farm visits and assistance, the OptiEwe consultants will be on the end of the phone to answer any questions that arise. In addition to the direct and customised support, the OptiEwe network provides an opportunity to build a community of excellence and the ability to get to know others that are on a similar journey to you. Where possible these will be physical groups of farms, where geography is against us these groups will be virtual.
OptiEwe has been developed by the neXtgen Agri team to be all encompassing package for sheep producers. The science around all of the pillars of OptiEwe is well known yet also ever evolving. The team has a strong collaboration with Professor Andrew Thompson at Murdoch University who has lead the majority of the important science in the area for over 20 years. We also closely watch industry research projects and continually scan research papers to keep abreast of new knowledge. We continue to adapt OptiEwe to reflect the latest information known. In that way, as an OptiEwe client you can rest assured that our recommendations will always be based on the very best science.
Health and Welfare
Animal health plan
Worm boss/ Integrated Management of internal parasites
Fly plan/ Flystrike management plan
Integrated Management of internal parasites
Managing minerals
Joining length
Weaning time
Imprinting on grain
Calculating SRW
Genetic planFlock profile (if merino)
Sire team audit
Udder check and soundness
Health and Welfare
Animal health plan
Worm boss/ Integrated Management of internal parasites
Fly plan/ Flystrike management plan
Integrated Management of internal parasites
Managing minerals
Joining length
Weaning time
Imprinting on grain
Calculating SRW
Genetic planFlock profile (if merino)
Sire team audit
Udder check and soundness